SVWC Alumni August Book Releases



August 4 – Alexandra HorowitzOur Dogs, Ourselves – Young Readers Edition

August 4 – David MacaulayMammoth Science: The Big Ideas That Explain Our World

August 4 – Jeffrey ToobinTrue Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Investigation of Donald Trump

August 4 – Isabel WilkersonCaste: The Origins of Our Discontents

August 25 – David EaglemanLivewired: The Inside Story of the Ever-Changing Brain

August 25 – Helen MacdonaldVesper Flights

August 25 – Strobe TalbottOur Founders’ Warning: The Age of Reason Meets the Age of Trump

August 25 – Héctor Tobar The Last Great Road Bum

August 25 – E.O. Wilson  Tales From the Ant World




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